pp108 : Interceptor Support

Interceptor Support

This topic describes the XForm Interceptor mechanism

You can manipulate the generated HTML content from the XForms Engine using the XForm Interceptor mechanism.

XForm Interceptor Interface

The XForm Interceptor is an interface com.eibus.applicationconnector.xforms.Interceptor, which when implemented can intercept the generated HTML before it goes to the Client (Browser).

This interface com.eibus.applicationconnector.xforms.Interceptor contains the following method:

public void onGeneratedHTML(int content);

Ensure to provide the interceptor implementation class name (FQCN) in the XForms tab of the XForms Service Container Properties. Refer to Configuring the XForms Service Container for more information.

Sample Interceptor Implementation

The following is the sample implementation of the XForm Interceptor:

package com.cordys.test.dynamic;
import com.eibus.applicationconnector.xforms.Interceptor;
import com.eibus.xml.nom.Node;
public class MyInterceptor implements Interceptor
	public void onGeneratedHTML(int content) 